Which Magic Mushroom Strain Is Right For You?

Has this ever happened to you? Where you’ve heard about so many positive experiences from friends and acquaintances about the wonderful world of mushrooms, however when you started your research on psilocybin you felt completely lost?

The mushroom industry has experienced an incredible boom in interest over the last 2 years. And with interest comes more strains and varieties, like we saw in the Cannabis industry, so it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with choices. Things have certainly changed since the days of buying mushrooms and you got what they had.

It’s important to identify what psilocybin mushrooms would be a good fit for you to allow the best possible experience. Similar to how Marijuana has changed and become more refined with different strains the same is true for our fungi friends.

So let’s break it down to the most simple forms to help categorize.

Magic Mushroom Strains & What to Expect

Head High – energetic, excited, intrigued, visuals, positive


Body High – warm, safe, spiritually connected, creative

Golden TeacherBodyLow
Golden EmperorBodyLow
B+ CubensisBodyMedium
Great White MonsterHeadHigh
Blue Meanies HeadHigh
Magic Mushroom strains and types of highs

Now this table above is a guideline on the general feelings and observations of the crew plus external research, however this can all change via dosage, along with the fact that people can react in different ways. Live your life and VIBE right!