Vibrancyex is the best online shroom dispensary in Newfoundland and Labrador

Vibrancyex is an online shroom dispensary in Canada offering the highest quality shrooms in the market in Newfoundland and Labrador. While we are proud to be known as a shroom dispensary, we also carry LSD, DMT and cannabis. All your favourite psychedelics in one place!

Our product categories include:

3 bottles of psilocybin pills by vibrancyex

How to Buy Magic Mushrooms, LSD, or DMT in Newfoundland & Labrador?

It is so simple to buy online and have your order delivered discreetly to your door anywhere in the province. Buying your cannabis, shrooms, DMT, or LSD, is significantly safer, easier, and faster than any other way. When buying from Vibrancyex, your privacy is completely protected, and your anonymity is secured.

When you buy shrooms online, you don’t need to talk to anyone, show your I.D., or have a prescription. Just fill your cart, go to the checkout, and receive your unmarked package delivered with complete, non-identifiable discretion to your door. In fact, it is so effortless, you can order from anywhere, no matter what you’re doing, it takes seconds. Whether you’re commuting in your car or in a train, or whether you’re on a laptop or on your phone, you are completely protected.


What Psychedelic Can You Buy Online in St. Johns, Newfoundland & Labrador?

When you buy shrooms in St. John or anywhere in Canada from Vibrancyex you get easy access to our full line of psychedelic products. Not only can you buy shrooms online, but also LDS, DMT & even cannabis! Vibrancyex makes it effortless to buy psychedelics online and get them delivered discreetly to your door.  All our products are lab-tested for quality and safety.  The more you buy from VibrancyEx, the better deal you get. We’ll ship your order free if it is $150 or more.

Products on Sale:

Vibrancyex Delivers All Over in Newfoundland & Labrador

  • DMT Vape Cartridges & Microdoses

Much like LSD or psilocybin, DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a hallucinogenic tryptamine drug that delivers audio and visual hallucinations. Microdosing DMT (taking sub-hallucinogenic amounts on a schedule) is reported to provide improvement in memory, creativity, and other cognitive functions. We offer DMT vapes and .5m to 1ml DMT cartridges.

  • LSD, LSD Edibles & More

For many years, LSD (or Lysergic acid diethylamide), commonly known as acid, has been the most widely known substance for audio and visual hallucinations. Like DMT and psilocybin, if taken in microdose amounts, users experience perceptible improvement in memory, creativity, and other cognitive functions. Buy LSD in Newfoundland and Labrador from Vibrancyex. We carry Deadhead Chemist products. One of the most popular products in our LSD-infused 100ug Sour Key Gummy.

  • Magic Mushrooms or Psilocybin Shrooms!

Psilocybin puts the magic in magic mushrooms. As an online shroom dispensary in Canada, we have lots of psilocybin-infused products, from “cracker dry” mushrooms for maximum potency, to our gummy bears and tea. They are all lab-tested and safe. Our best-selling psilocybin-infused gummy bears and tea is especially good and set up the perfect experience. Buy magic mushrooms in Newfoundland and Labrador from VibrancyEx.

  • Indica, Sativa & Hybrid Weed

Las but not least, you can also buy weed from us from flowers to edibles. You can choose based on strain, from Sativa dominant, Indica dominant, or hybrid strains (Currently, all “modern marijuana” is some balance of hybrid strain).

Our Mission at Vibrancyex in Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador is a province of discovery and exploration. As the most eastern province in Canada, its waterfalls, majestic landscape, and fjords, were first settled by Viking explorer Leif Erickson. Newfoundland and Labrador is a great place to explore the new world of psychoactive substances. Start your day right with Vibrancyex.

Our mission here at Vibrancyex is to help you brighten your day and “live and vibe right.” Browse our products and open your mind!