Buy Hybrid Strain Cannabis Online in Canada

You can buy hybrid cannabis online in Canada from Vibrancyex. The Hybrid strains (also referred to as “modern marijuana”) are produced when cultivators combine Sativa and Indica dominant strains in various percentages of each, including an equal balance. 

The Hybrid Strain Explained

Today, most cannabis strains are hybrid, mixed genetic history of both Sativa and Indica. They are bred to express a wide range of specific characteristics, each hybrid delivering a unique balance to suit the consumer’s needs. Cannabis cultivators also develop hybrids to produce a higher THC potency. They are also hybridized to express various terpene levels and flavonoids. Terpenes are said to also bring additional therapeutic qualities, but both terpenes and flavonoids give cannabis that unique aroma and flavour.

The Balance of Sativa and Indica

With hybrid strains, you can have the best of both worlds. Knowing the distinct differences in Sativa and Indica is the first important step toward understanding which hybrid is right for you, whether you are targeting specific symptoms for medical reasons or just looking for a specific kind of high.

Sativa:  This strain expresses a more stimulating and uplifting high. For people struggling with ADHD or depression, Sativa can enhance focus and productivity, and elevate mood. Although both Sativa and Indica are effective when dealing with pain, Sativa puts the user in more of a socializing and active mode.

Sativa grows taller and thinner than Indica, with narrower leaves that grow further apart than Indica.

Indica: This strain delivers a heavier, medicated, sedated feeling. Some of the more potent examples of this strain have produced a “couch-locking effect.” This is when you feel so heavy, and you want to sink further into the couch. Indica strains are recommended for those suffering from anxiety and muscle pain or stiffness, like that caused by arthritis.

Indica strains are shorter and bushier than Sativa, with broader leaves. They tolerate cooler temperatures and typically produce a higher yield.

Hybrids Deliver the Right Balance for You

When you buy hybrid cannabis online from Vibrancyex, you can have the pain relief of Indica, and the uplifting creative effect of Sativa, in whatever proportion that works best for you. Of course, all our hybrid strains are AA to AAAA in quality, so once you find your balance, you have found the highest expression of that balance.

Plant genetics is what is all about finding the right hybrid balance for you. It is essential to pay attention to cannabinoid content like THC vs CBD and other cannabinoids that play a role in the effect of your hybrid strain of choice. It is difficult to know how the particular hybrid you have chosen will affect you, so start slow and start small, and be sure to stop and buy hybrid flowers online from Vibrancyex.

You Might Start with Any of These

Bruce Banner: With 25 to 29% THC content and 1% CBD content, delivers a potent albeit euphoric and creative head high.

Holy Grail Kush: Don’t just take our word for it; the folks at the High Times Cannabis Cup gave this newer strain a perfect score for its balance of 26 to 30% THC to 1 to 2% CBD.

Tangerine Haze: This is a tangerine dream come true. It has the characteristic citrusy Sativa terpene quality prized by recreational users and medicinal users alike. This strain contains an 11 to 15% THC to 1 to 2% CBD ratio.

Vibrancyex – More Than A Weed Dispensary in Canada

Buy hybrid strains online in Canada from Vibrancyex. You’ll find a wide variety of all the highest quality cannabis on our online dispensary. We don’t just make your online experience easy and convenient; we also make it informative. Contact us.

We are looking forward to assisting you and answering any questions you may have.