Buy LSD Edibles Online in Canada

Looking for a new way to experience LSD? Then check out our LSD edibles! Our selection of sugar cubes, candies, and gummies are perfect for anyone looking for a new way to enjoy their acid trips.


What are LSD and LSD edibles?

Technically LSD is an ergoline (a complex tetracyclic molecule that has the structure of tryptamine). LSD stands for Lysergic acid diethylamide and is the most commonly used hallucinogen. It is derived and refined primarily from Claviceps purpurea and Claviceps paspali, two kinds of ergot fungus.

LSD is most commonly distributed on small squares of paper called blotter paper. This blotter paper is often adorned with colourful psychedelic artwork. The blotter paper can hold a maximum of 250ug. Then there are tabs or gel tabs. These are made by mixing liquid LSD and liquid gelatin, then drying them out on sheets and cutting designs into them. Gel tabs can be dosed as high as 500ug (microgram), but most often they are between 150 to 250ug. LSD can also be sold as a microdot, which is a small pill with a gelatin substrate.

LSD edibles can be as simple as sugar cubes, or LSD can be absorbed into a variety of candies. Most of them are of the gummy variety like gummy bears, cola bottles, sour flavours, various fruit flavours, tangy flavours, and so on.

Be sure to read the packaging of the LSD edible product carefully before you pop them in your mouth. Yes, they are candy-flavoured, but that’s the tricky part. The dose ranges and their designations are as follows:

  • Threshold: 5 to 15ug
  • Light: 20 to 75ug
  • Common: 50 to 150ug
  • Strong: 150 to 400ug
  • Heavy: 400+ ug

The Effects of LSD Edibles

LSDs potency and long-lasting effects are attributed to its diethylamide’s agonistic ability to produce a change in the serotonin receptor so that it “folds in on itself,” keeping the LSD molecule trapped. LSD is a unique psychoactive compound with rich pharmacology, that has a connection with a wide range of serotonin and dopamine receptor subtypes.

LSD edibles can produce both mental and physical effects. As a powerful hallucinogen, LSD

can either provide a wondrous experience or an unpleasant and frightening experience. Many times it is a matter of what you bring to it. The trip (named for the likeness of travelling) has four basic stages: 1) The onset, 2) The plateau, 3) The peak, and 4) The come down.

Mental Effects

Effects, of consuming LSD relate most to the dose amount. The level of intensity of each of these effects correlates to the amount taken. Among them are mood swings, altered memory, impaired ability to determine time, distance, and speed, physical disconnection, altered senses, certain perception enhancements, and of course, hallucinations.

Physical Effects

Like mental effects, the severity of physical effects is determined mostly by dose amount. Among the physical effects are impaired coordination, loss of appetite, dilated pupils, tremors, hyperreflexia, excess saliva, jaw clenching, goosebumps, dizziness, sleeplessness, perspiration, and an increase in temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Some Words of Caution and Precautions When Consuming LSD

There are a few words of warning that you should be aware of before you proceed.

  • There are false or contaminated LSDs that are distributed, cut with 25i-NBOMe, they are toxic and dangerous. They can either be harmful or even fatal if consumed. For safety, high quality, and consistency, we advise you to buy your LSD edibles online from
  • Hallucinogens like LSD can cause Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) which affects visual perception.
  • People suffering from schizophrenia or other mental disorders, or those genetically predisposed for this condition, should avoid LSD, as it can precipitate its onset.
  • “Flashbacks” have been known to occur. Although relatively rare, and not exclusive to the use of hallucinogenic drugs, this can happen days, weeks, or even years later.
  • Be very careful to avoid high-risk activity and putting yourself in situations that require careful and alert thinking, as an impaired judgement in these circumstances can cause serious injury or death.
  • Avoid combining other substances with LSD. The combination can be harmful or fatal.

Vibrancyex – #1 Psychedelics Dispensary In Canada

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