Buy Dried Magic Mushrooms Online

Most often magic mushrooms are sold raw and can be eaten directly in that form or you can cook with them! If you buy magic mushrooms online in Canada from Vibrancyex, you’ll get more than high quality and value.

What is the Flavour of Magic Mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms typically have a strong earthy taste, and the chitin, which makes up the fibrous structure of the fungus, has a rubber-like texture. Their flavour is considered by many to be unpleasant, unlike the usual culinary mushroom species. Many people prefer to mix their mushrooms with something that adds nice flavours. Doses are many times sprinkled over pizzas, mixed with pasta, cooked in omelettes, mixed with honey, or steeped in tea.


Becoming familiar with the different varieties of magic mushrooms is important because some varieties are more potent than others. There is also a difference in potency from batch to batch. When you buy shrooms online, you have a better chance of them having consistent potency compared to a home-grown shroom (unless you are an experienced cultivator).

Consumption Options for Raw Magic Mushrooms

One option of consumption is simply to eat them. Whether you are eating them by themselves, or as an ingredient in a recipe, make sure that you understand your proper dose level. If you cook with them, you should add your mushrooms after the cooking process, since psilocybin potency can be significantly degraded with high heat.  Many varieties of magic mushrooms do cause nausea when eaten directly. Much of the nausea is caused by the tissue or chitin of the mushroom. If you make tea from magic mushrooms or consume liquid psilocybin, the chitin is removed, and you reduce the likelihood of nausea.

Effects of Psilocybin

Several factors determine the effect that magic mushrooms will have on you. From your mood, when you’ve eaten and how much you’ve eaten, the type of magic mushroom, the batch of mushrooms, to your dosing frequency. But if conditions are right, you can expect the world to become distorted, colours to become vibrant, objects to transform, and sounds to be significantly altered.

There are little or no side effects, and if you experience some, they will be short-lived. Magic mushrooms are also becoming a much-used tool for the treatment of several mental conditions, used for everything from depression and anxiety to obsessive compulsion, and substance abuse.

The “trip” can go in one of two directions depending upon your mood and circumstance. If you have the right mindset and are in the right tranquil environment, you can experience euphoria, be energized, and reach a level of excitement. If, on the other hand, you are in a bad place mentally, and you are in a disruptive environment with difficult people, you could experience paranoia, and feel anxious, panicky, and overwhelmed.

How Long Does the Magic Mushroom Trip Last?

Much like the experience, journey, or trip, the duration is affected by your dose, your body mass, and what else you have consumed, be it food, alcohol, or other drugs. The “set and setting” are an important part of managing the length of your trip. If all else fails, you may need the help of a product called “Trip Stopper 3000.” Just know that it will all soon be over, and you may have quite a transformative experience.

Some Risk Factors to Consider Before You Buy Magic Mushrooms

The biggest risk is mistaking a magic mushroom with a poisonous mushroom. This can prove fatal. Additionally, the dose is important, and it is always advisable to start with less and take your time adding to it until you find your ideal dose.

Currently, there is no evidence of serious health damage associated with the continued use of psilocybin mushrooms and there is no physical dependence that develops, although there may be some psychological dependence in some cases.

Vibrancyex – #1 Psilocybin Mushroom Dispensary in Canada

Buy magic mushrooms online in Canada from Vibrancyex and you’ll get more than high quality and value. You’ll get a trusted source of information and good guidance. Contact us anytime, we’re here for you.