Looking to Buy Shroom Edibles Online in Canada?

You can buy magic mushroom edibles from Vibrancyex, your psilocybin mushroom dispensary. Any food item that contains psilocybin or psilocin can be considered a shroom edible.

It is easier and safer to simply buy psilocybin edibles online from Vibrancyex. We pride ourselves on being one of the best psilocybin mushroom dispensaries in Canada. Shroom edibles are more precisely measured out and predictable. By buying shroom edibles online, you can choose between chocolates or shroom gummies, and more, all measured out for you so you can gauge your dose accurately.

What are Magic Mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms are a type of fungus that contain psilocybin, a naturally produced compound which, once ingested, turns into psilocin, the psychoactive substance that produces in the user a “trip” or hallucinatory experience. Magic mushrooms are also referred to as psilocybin mushrooms or shrooms. There are over 200 species of mushrooms that contain psilocybin, and they are used as therapeutic aids in treating conditions such as substance abuse, pain, OCD, depression, and anxiety.

What to Expect from a Shroom Edible?

For most people, the flavour of shrooms is somewhat undesirable. For them, mixing them with their favourite food is preferable. Individual tastes and preferences apply here, but one thing remains true, although the flavour might be masked, the effect will not be, so proceed by paying close attention to your desired dose.

What you can expect is, of course, determined by your dose, what variety of shrooms you have consumed, your body mass, and when and how much you have eaten. Also, combining alcohol or other drugs determines what you can expect.

The usual moderate dose of psilocybin mushrooms is about 1 to 2.5 grams. This can produce heightened emotional awareness, introspection, and an overall shift of psychological functioning, including hallucinogenic effects and the ability to experience a dream-like state, a change in perception, mental and physical synesthesia, time distortion and varying emotional states.

The Magic Mushroom Trip

The trip commonly starts with a sharp change in visual perception. As time slows down, your thoughts and emotions journey to unknown realms. You may then become more emotionally open, experiencing a rush of happiness and physical euphoria. As your mind expands, you experience a sense of insatiable curiosity, becoming more in touch with the universe around you. Your emotional state increases and becomes more intense, so it is very important to remember to relax. Although the trip can last much longer than expected at times, know that this is a temporary situation.

During your trip, you may experience some rather alarming physical reactions. This is fairly common. Expect significant changes in heart rate and blood pressure, some dizziness, nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms, tremors, dilated pupils, loss of coordination, and restlessness. Therefore, we encourage you to start with smaller doses and increase them gradually as you become familiar with your toleration levels.

Magic mushrooms require that you be responsible for your experience. If you are willing to take responsibility, you can have a pleasant and exciting journey.

The Difference in the Trip is In the Dose

Dose affects your experience greatly, as do species of shroom (Psilocybe semilanceata and Psilocybe azurescens being the most potent). Potency is usually measured based on dried mushrooms, as a fresh and hydrogenated mushroom tends to be less potent. When you buy mushroom edibles online, make sure to carefully read the package directions and recommended serving amounts. Determine how many mg of shrooms per serving. As shrooms are organic, they do vary and are somewhat less predictable.

The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown of Psylocibin

You have probably heard the phrase “wherever you go, there you are.” This points to the trip experience. Depending on your mood going in, your “set and setting,” your dose, and a few other things to pay attention to, you can experience good or not-so-good things.

Positive effects can be anything from openness and self-reflection, creativity, altered perception, euphoria, and connections with other realms in the universe. Possible negative effects can be anything from confusion, disorientation, paranoia, and dizziness, to nausea, inhibited motor functions, or strong fear and anxiety. Typically, the cause of a bad trip is overconsumption.

Going Through The Magic Mushroom Trip Phases

Magic mushroom trips are broken down into 4 basic phases:

  1. Consumption
  2. The onset of the trip
  3. The peak of the trip
  4. The comedown.

Usually about two hours after consumption, you’ll reach the most intense portion of the trip. The most hallucinogenic effects and distortions take place during this phase. The best experiences always result from remaining calm and relaxed. See it for what it is, a strange trip that doesn’t last.

Vibrancyex – Your #1 Psilocybin Mushroom Dispensary

Buy magic mushroom edibles online in Canada. We’ve done all the work and made it as predictable as possible; the rest is your responsibility. We are always here with the best information and advice. Contact us.