Buy Magic Mushrooms Online In Canada!
In addition to dried mushrooms, we also offer tea, pills, powder, and edibles such as magic mushroom gummies and chocolate. See it all below:
B+ Cubensis – Raw Magic Mushroom/Psilocybin
Blue Meanie Magic- Raw Magic Mushroom/Psilocybin
Golden Emperor- Raw Magic Mushroom/Psilocybin
Golden Teacher – Raw Magic Mushroom/Psilocybin
Great White Monsters- Raw Magic Mushroom/Psilocybin
What can you expect when you buy magic mushrooms?
While shrooms are commonly consumed either raw or steeped in tea, at Vibrancyex, yo will find a wide assortment of shrooms. The process of buying magic mushrooms or LSD is not different than buying clothes online. If anything, it is easier. No credit card is required, with an e-transfer you are good to go! Just select the shrooms that you want to try. Once you know what you want, select your favourite magic mushroom, add them to your cart and then checkout. Read the payment instructions and once we receive the payment, we will take care of the rest and ship them discreetly to your doors all over Canada.
What are magic mushrooms?
Magic mushrooms (also called shrooms) are a type of mushroom that contain psilocybin. The magic occurs when this psychoactive ingredient, psilocybin, is digested in your system becoming psilocin.
How long does it take for magic mushrooms to kick in?
Shrooms need to be ingested to experience psychoactive effects. Your digestive system needs to turn psilocybin into psilocin, the compound that elevates your serotonin levels and produces the trip.
Approximately 30 minutes after ingesting magic mushrooms, they begin to work. The effect varies depending upon your method of consumption, either eating them directly, mixing them with food, or steeping them in tea. In liquid forms, such as drinking one of our magic mushroom tea, hot chocolate or coffee, the effects could come on faster.
How long does a shroom trip last?
The trip will usually last from 4 to 6 hours, possibly longer for some. In fact, some people experience residual effects called “the afterglow effect” or “the sparkle period.” If this occurs, it could last for a few hours on up to a few weeks.
With a full hallucinogenic dose, the trip can bring on a state of enhanced senses, and more vibrant colours, essentially revealing another realm. By buying magic mushrooms, your brain will be able to make connections never made before, new realities emerge, and new perspectives are reached. Expect a distorted world, the vibrancy of colour, the transformation of objects, and an alteration of music and other sounds.
Several other factors do determine the extent of your trip while you ingest psilocybin. The type of magic mushroom you ingest, and even the batch of the same species, have different potencies. Your mood at the time also has much to do with your experience, as well as when and how much you’ve eaten, and how often you dose.
What’s the Right Psychedelic Mushrooms Dosage?
The right dose of psychedelic mushrooms depends on your goal. While microdosing has imperceptible effects at the time, what do higher doses represent?
- A dose considered “low” is about 1 gram or 10mg, providing euphoria and enhanced senses.
- A medium dose is about 1.75 grams or 17.5 mg, providing perceptual distortions and an increased euphoria.
- A high dose is about 3.5 grams or 35 mg, delivering heavy perceptual distortions, and dissolution of the ego.
- An ultra-high dose, at about 5 grams or 50 mg, brings on a complete disconnect from reality as we know it.
So, what is the right dose? It depends upon the experience you are after.
Our recommendation? First-timers start with 1 piece. Experienced users can consume up to 4 pieces, just kidding! We’re not here to tell you what to do — Live your Life and Vibe Right.
Pros and Cons of Magic Mushrooms
The strength of magic mushrooms and the resulting effect depends on the species and batch of mushrooms. Some pros to the experience might be feelings of euphoria, energy, and excitement. You may feel in awe and wonder of the people or world around you. But you may also feel paranoid, anxious, panicky overwhelmed, and nauseous. In other words, if you go into the experience with a positive calm perspective, you will probably have a pleasant experience. If on the other hand, you are in a bad mood, feeling worried or depressed, this experience might make those feelings worse.
The Trip Experience of Consuming Psychedelics
Phase #1, Ingestion
Usually, it takes the better part of an hour for the effects to be felt after ingestion.
Phase #2, the “Onset”
The onset is the period in which you begin to feel the effects. This phase is about 1 to 2 hours long. This phase is a good time to prepare for the experience with the proper frame of mind.
Phase #3, the “Peak”
The Peak is the psychedelic trip itself. Largely based on your state of mind, it typically lasts between 3 to 5 hours, not that it matters since, at that point, time is irrelevant. This is truly a reality that differs from the everyday.
Phase #4, the “Comedown”
And every high has its lows, we present the comedown. The return trip is like the onset only in reverse. As the magic mushrooms become fully digested, the effects begin to subside.
Where can I buy Shrooms Online in Canada?
You can buy shrooms online anywhere in Canada. We ship our products in Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and all other provinces. The more you buy the better, as you can get your order for free if you buy more than $150!
Vibrancyex – Your #1 Magic Mushroom Dispensary in Canada
At Vibrancyex, you will find the right product and the right dose to make sure your experience is as good as it can be, consistently. We are experienced experts that are ready to help you every step of the way. Contact us if you have any questions.